Monday, April 30, 2012

marry me?

Forever can never be long enough for me
Feel like I've had long enough with you
Forget the world now, we won't let them see
But there's one thing left to do

Now that the weight has lifted
Love has surely shifted my way

Marry me today and every day
Marry me if I ever get the nerve to say hello in this cafe
Say you will, say you will....

Together can never be close enough for me
Feel like I am close enough to you

You wear white and I'll wear out the words "I love you & you're beautiful"
Now that the wait is over
And love and has finally shown her my way

Promise me you'll always be happy by my side
I promise to sing to you when all the music dies

someday, i just want theres someone who sings this song with a guitar for me. he gave me a cute teddy who hold a love heart, on a love heart theres a words says "be mine forever?" and he whispered to me with his soft, deep voice "words can't describe how much you mean to me & listen to me, the day i stop loving you is the day i close my eyes forever. I LOVE YOU, beautiful."

Saturday, April 28, 2012


yow yow guysss alfi's here. :--) gue tau pasti lo semua kangen yekan sama gue? yakan yakan? HAAA! udah deh ngaku aja gausah sok malu2 kucing gitu. yea gue tau gue emang ngangenin....(huh? hahaha.)

ok karna gue tau lo semua kangen sama gue makanya hari ini gue mau ngepost tentang one of all my bestie. yap, her name is Sissy. but i often called her as 'bulet' muehehe lucu yekan panggilannya?:p sebenernya sih gue jg gatau kenapa dia bisa dipanggil bulet. mungkin karna mukanya sissy yg bulet kaliyeeee.....*eh hahaha jkjk.

hmm kita mulai ceritanya. 1......2............3.........................lets check it out beibeeeeeeeh~

sissy. 1 nama yg bisa bikin gue ngakak, sedih, seneng. gatau knp gue syg bgt sama anak ini hahahaha padahal kan dia rada2 sinting gimana gitu.... gue kenal sissy pas gue jadi anak baru di kls 7b. disitu pas pertama kali gue masuk sekolah & jadi anak baru, gue pikir dia tuh songong, ngocol, ngeselin (maap yak. peace leeeet he he ._.v) etapi ternyata pas gue kenal sama dia, ternyata dia gak sama kyk yg gue bayangin. dia asik bgt. seruuuuu. dulu gue punya temen deket lagi di kls 7 selain dia. namanya ayu & ranny. gue, sissy, ayu, sama ranny tuh kemana2 selalu ber4. ke kantin ber4, tugas kelompok ber4, pokoknya semuanya serba ber4. kita jg dulu sempet suka sama 1 cowok yg sama. nah gara2 kita selalu ber4, anak2 di kelas tuh kesel sama kita karna kita selalu ber4 gitudeeeeh. hmm kita jg setiap pulang sekolah tuh gak langsung pulang dulu ke rumah, tapi main. kita main kadang di rumah ayu, kadang di rumah sissy, kadang di rumah ranny, kadang jg di rumah gue. tapi yg paling sering tuh main di rumah gue wkwk. tapi semenjak kita kls 8, kita jadi pisah gitu. gue, sissy, sama ranny 1 kelas. cuma ayu doang yang gak sekelas sama kita. sebelum kita naik kls 8, gue ayu ranny sempet berantem gitu sama sissy. gatau apa masalahnya... lupa hehehe. pokoknya kita sempet slek gitudeh. dan semenjak kls 8 jg yang namanya BERANTEM itu di mulaaaaaaaai. ok sebenernya gue males ngomongin ini tapi yaaaa biar seru ajadeh. hmm. dulu gue sering berantem sama ranny & sissy. knp gue sering berantem sama mereka dibandingin sama ayu? yakarna mereka 1 kelas sama gue. kalo ayu kan beda kelas, jadi 'agak' susah. gue berantem sama sissy gara2 1 masalah doang. masalahnya adalah.........*piiip* (sorry guys gue males nyeritain ini). ok gue berantem sama sissy gara2 masalah ini tuh cukup lama laaah. ya gak sampe setahun sih tapi intinya lama. nah pas gue kls 9, ternyata gue gak sekelas sama sissy. sekarang gue sekelas sama ayu & ranny. aaaaa sissy misah sendiri gitu :""""""((. ya walaupun beda kelas, tapi kita masih temenan. masih sahabatan kyk dulu. dan masalah yg dulu2 jg udah clear semuanya. now.... gue bersyukur banget bisa kenal sissy. gue jg nyesel bgt karna perna berantem sama dia cuma gara2 masalah yg sepele. aduuuuh pokoknya super duper nyesel deh. ya Allah.....i just realized that im so luck to bein' her bestie. i love her. i love her so much. and i think, i need her to tell 'bout my problems cause i know that she's the best listeners and she's always cheer me up, gimme solution, always be there for me. may Allah bless & protect u wherever u r. :"""")

kiss & big hug,

Alfi Sakinah :-)

Friday, April 20, 2012

huh?? idk 'bout this freaky feeling.

betmudhzzzz wey. duh klimaxx bgt ini aaaaaa plis plis ini mixed all bgt di kepala. kesel sekesel keselnya & benci sebenci bencinya. shock mendadak padahal baru sampe di rumah. KNP HARUS NGELIAT ITU SIH FIIIII?!!?? aduh.... whadda hell this feelin' T_T. yea gue ini post yg kinda weird but i can't handle my emotion till i write all 'bout ma fckin' feeling on this blog. oh geez, wtf happened wid me....... hmm maybe this happened cause i hate her. hate too much & for sure, i love him. i love him no matter what. kay, this make me feel o o o o o o lalalalala ZzzZzZzZz. uggh, WUUT SHUD I DO GUYS? TELL ME AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, PLEASE. I RLLY RLLY BEGGING U. i cud tell this problem to someone else but idk who wanna be a great listeners. :"""""""""(((

Thursday, April 19, 2012

a cinderella story (once upon a song)

hari ini gue mau ngepost tentang salah 1 film favorite gue. yuuuppss, judulnya a cinderella story (once upon a song). gatau knp gue suka bgt sama film ini. seru, kocak, ada romantis2nya jg. ya pokoknya bisa ngehibur lah. cekidot....

hmm emang sih cerita Cinderella & Pangeran tampannya gak pernah bosen untuk ditonton…dan sekarang Wanner Bros ngeluarin versi terbarunya 'lagi' yg judulnya A Cinderella Story (once upon a song). sebenernya sih ceritanya gak jauh beda sama versi sebelumnya. tapi yg versi sebelumnya itu diperanin sama selena gomes & drew seeley. di A Cinderella Story (once upon a song) ini lebih ke seni nyanyinya. peran utamanya diperanin sama lucy hale a.k.a katie gibbs. hmm lucy hale ini jg salah satu artis favorite gue. dia cantiknya gak ada obat h4h4h4....yawalaupun dia agak mirip sama selgom-_-. yea balik ke cerita, katie hidup sama ibu tirinya. tapi katie selalu ditemenin sama sahabat baiknya yg namanya angela. angela adalah satu2nya sahabat akrab katie. katie jg tinggal sama saudara tirinya, megan park a.ka bev & adeknya bev yg super ngeselin matthew lintz a.k.a victor. ohiya......untung gak ketinggalan! yak, pangerannya blm disebutin niccch hahaha :p oke pangerannya itu adalah freddie stroma a.k.a luke morgan. 

Lucy Hale a.k.a Katie Gibbs

Freddie Stroma a.k.a Luke Morgan

Megan Park a.k.a Bev (Katie's stepsister)

Matthew Lintz a.k.a Victor (Katie's stepbrother)

Miss Pyle a.k.a Katie's stepmother

Jessalyn Wanlim a.k.a Angela (Katie's bestfriend)

oke cukup ye perkenalannya. ceritanya gini.....
pas ayahnya meninggal, katie hidup bareng sama ibu dan kedua saudara tirinya yg selalu menindasnya. dijadiin kayak pembantu gitu. katie punya suara merdu & bagus, karna itulah katie mau mewujudkan mimpinya jd seorang penyanyi. katie gak cuma punya suara yg bagus, tapi dia jg pinter buat lagu. tapi impian katie buat jd seorang penyanyi itu terkendala karna bev punya impian yang sama dgn katie, suara bev gak seindah suara katie, malah bisa dibilang bev gabisa nyanyi. bev jg gabisa nyanyi pake suara tinggi. ibu tiri katie jg selalu menghalang2in katie untuk bisa menjadi seorang penyanyi karna dia tau kalo anaknya, bev, gak bisa nyanyi kyk katie. dia jg takut bev kalah saing sama katie.  suatu hari, salah satu perusahaan besar milik harvey morgan menyelenggarakan ajang pencarian bakat bernyanyi di salah satu sekolah swasta bergengsi, dan yg jadi pemenangnya bisa mendapatkan kontrak rekaman dari Records-Whose. luke morgan, anak dari pemilik Perusahaan Harvey Morgan adalah pengurus acara itu. katie & bev gamau kehilangan kesempatan ini, tapi sayangnya.... bev lebih beruntung dari katie. katie gak dpt ijin dari ibu tirinya, katie malah disuruh untuk ngajarin bev nyanyi dengan baik. tapi karna suara bev yg emang gak bagus, ibu tirinya menyuruh katie melakukan lipsinc untuk suara bev. akhirnya katie nyari cara biar bisa nunjukin ke luke kalo itu suara dia & bukan suara bev. katie cerita ke angela, & angela pun dpt ide buat nunjukin ke luke kalo itu memang bukan suara bev. okdeh.................ceritanya langsung to the poin aja ya kawan2 hehehehe sorry nih abis tangan pegel ngetik banyak2^^. hmm trs pas bev konser tbtb luke ngeliat kalo itu ternyata katie yg nyanyi. bev cuma lipsinc suara katie. rencana itu dibuat sama victor & tony. AND THE END, luke akhirnya tau kalo ternyata selama ini suara yg dia cari & orang yg dia cari itu adalah katie mihihi :D

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

spread love during a flood


bosen niccch. daripada stres mikirin UN mending kita ngepost ajayuk~
oke jadi gini ya kawan2222..... kemaren tuh super duper excited banget. gak banget sih sebenernya ya cuma gimana gitu aja rasanya hahahaha hmm kemaren tuh guweh banjir2an giduw sama pacar guweh (ok ini lebay._.v) asik woiii. seru abis. 'agak' geli sih sebenernya tapi karna ada doi, ayu, anggita sama aldo jadi gak berasa apa2. kayak jalan biasa aja hehe. 
awalnya gini, pas gue pulang sekolah, gue ke warung jojo dulu sama anak2. trs gue nanya ketemu bang kiki sama shakina ada disana jg. tapi tumben bgt aldo gak ada disitu. gue nanya ke bang kiki....

G: bang aldo mana? kok tumben gak bareng kalian.
B: gatau deh mbapi. gue gak liat dia.
G: loh kok gitu? tumben banget.
B: tadisih kayaknya pas bel dia langsung pulang gitu
G: yah yaudah deh bang. makaciii....*pake gaya chibi* (gaya gue, abang, aldo, & anggita hahaha-_-v)
B: sama2 mbapiiii *senyum lebar pake gaya chibi*

after 10min.....

JENG JENG JEEEENG... HAP! aldo dateng WooHoo

tawu gakzih loe semuwa???? ternyata aldo pulang ke rumah cuma untuk ganti baju & abis itu balik lg ke sekolah. HA HA HA lucu banget loeee-_- ok back to story, pas aldo dateng disitu masih rame bgt sama anak2 kls 7. warung jojo super penuh & akhirnya kita hrs nunggu anak2 itu pergi. iyuwh... ngeselin abis. lama bgt woi mereka. rasanya tuh pingin gue gigit hhhhhh. nah, akhirnya setelah nunggu beberapa menit.... mereka pulang yeaaaay. tapi pas anak kls 7 itu pulang abang sama shakina jg ikut pulang. huuuh sedih nya :--(( tinggal gue, farhan, ayu, aldo, anggita, fitri, sama sekar di warung jojo. karna ayu laper bgt yajadinya kita makan disitu. sebenernya sih pas masih jam pelajaran ayu udh ngomong sama gue kalo dia mau makan dulu di warung jojo hehehehe naaaaaaaah cecep sama fitri jg ikutan makan grgr ngeliat ayu makan. yaudah deh akhirnya gue nunggu mereka makan. lama kelamaan gue bosen nungguin mereka, disitu gue jg lagi berantem sama farhan ya akhirnya gue jg ikutan makan. padahal perasaan tuh lagi bete banget. super bete. klimax bgt pokoknya. &&& u must know ALDO! dia jg ikut makan eaea :p yg gak makan cuma farhan & sekar doang. farhan gamakan karna dia bete. bete sama gue kayaknya hehe peace ya idung chayank^^v tapi sih akhir2nya farhan jg makan pas ngambeknya udah ilang & gue bujuk buat makan. pas kita semua makan, then........RAINY COMEEEEEE!!!! suasananya jadi dingin bgt. seru jg ngeliat fitri sama aldo ngelawak. trs gue aldo fitri sama farhan main ciprat2an air kayak bocah. yaduuu mkkb bgt gitu kesannya hahahaha. kita udh kebingungan gimana cara bisa pulang. padahal itu udh sore bgt. udah jam 4 sorean gitu kalo gasalah. after the rain had begun to subside, kita nekat pulang. padahal itu masih gerimis. fitri sama sekar pulang duluan naik motor karna rumah mereka gak searah sama kita. sebenernya rumah anggita & farhan jg gak searah. tapi anggita mau ke rumah ayu trs farhan mau anterin gue pulang dulu. pas liat jalanan banjir.........oh geez i was speechless & said 'dammit!'. anggita, aldo, sama ayu jalan duluan. gue nungguin farhan buka sepatu dulu (kyknya gapenting bgt ini diceritrain-_-) yagamungkin jg lah farhan pulang ke rumah pake sepatu yg basah. mau gak mau dia hrs buka sepatunya. hmmm idk why i felt excited. ngerasa seneng bgt bisa banjir2an bareng doi. jujur aja gue gapernah ngerasain yg kayak gitu bareng pcr. wuhuuuu kita main banjir2an deh~

G: iiih aku geli nih. kayak ada sesuatu gitu kalo diinjek.
F: sama. aku jg gitu.
G: iiiiiihhhh.........
F: km kenapasih?
G: gapapa. geli aja.
F: mau aku gendong? sini aku gendong. kasian kamu.
G: gendong? yakali deh. nggak ah.
F: kenapa gamau sih? katanya geli...
G: gamau aja. banyak orang tau. malu.
F: issh yaelah. ngeselin bgt sih kamu.
G: apaansi ih. aduh demi deh ini gaenak bgt
F: iya aku tau sayang. males bgt ih kalo kamu ngomong kayak gitu
G: males kenapasiii? *ngeledek*
F: ya gapapasih. abis mau gimana lg sayang? km di gendong gamau. tapi ini malah ngomel2 sendiri. aneh bgt.
G: yaudah iya iya
F: aku baru pertama kali loh kayak gini. tapi sama kamu.
G: hehe iyanih sama. aku juga....

AAAAAAAAA SENENG BANGET POKOKNYA. doi rela bgt nganterin gue pulang padahal lagi keadaan banjir. doi jg rela bgt ngelepas sepatunya. i can only thank to God 'cause God has given me a boyf like u. thx a lot for yesterday guyssss. WHADDA UWSUM YESTERDAAAAAY!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Happy Half Year Anniversary, boo.

hmm i can't say anything. i just can say 'yea, i'm glad. very excited. and touched of this all.' i didn't think will be so far with him. so many wonderful memories that i did with him. jokes, laughter, sadness, touched, awkward, and even tense i went through with him.

well, i just wanna say....

"thanks for always understand me. thanks for always forgive me even it is not your fault. thanks for treat me right. thanks for accept me & love me for who i am. thanks for make a time and be there to whether in sadness or happiness. one more, thanks for everythiiiiiing baby.... i love you boo, i just can't explain it, i just can did. another day, another month, another year, another smile, another tear, another winter, even another summer too, but there can never be another YOU♥"

BOOM!!! i have some greating anniversary from my gud buddy yeaaa here is it...

big thanks for you guyzzz!!! thx a lot for your greeting anniversary aaaaaa i'm soooo glad WooHoo :""D

lots of love,

Alfi & Farhan

Monday, March 19, 2012

no matter what, you're loved.

Boy: Hey, hun!
Girl: Hey.
Boy: I missed you at school today. Why weren’t you there?
Girl: Yeah, I had to go to the doctor.
Boy: Oh really? Why?
Girl: Oh, nothing. Just some annual shots, that’s all.
Boy: Oh.
Girl: So what did you guys do in Math today?
Boy: You didn’t miss anything that great, just a lot of notes.
Girl: Okay, good.
Boy: Yeah.
Girl: Hey, I have a question to ask.
Boy: Okay, ask away.
Girl: How much do you love me?
Boy: You know I love you more than anything in this world.
Girl: Yeah.
Boy: Why did you ask?
Girl: *silence*
Boy: Is something wrong?
Girl: No. Nothing at all. Um. How much do you care about me?
Boy: I would give you the world in a heartbeat if I could.
Girl: You would?
Boy: Yeah of course I would. *sounding worried* Is there something wrong?
Girl: No, everything’s fine.
Boy: Are you sure?
Girl: Yeah.
Boy: Okay. I hope so.
Girl: Would you die for me?
Boy: I would take a bullet for you any day, hun.
Girl: Really?
Boy: Any day. Now, seriously, is there something wrong?
Girl: No, I’m fine. You’re fine. We’re fine. Everyone and everything is fine.
Boy: Okay.
Girl: Well, I have to go. I’ll see you tomorrow at school.
Boy: Alright, bye. I love you!
Girl: Yeah. I love you too. Bye.
Boy: Hey, have you seen my girlfriend today?
Friend: No.
Boy: Oh.
Friend: She wasn’t here yesterday, either.
Boy: I know. She was acting all weird on the phone last night.
Friend: Well, dude, you know how girls are sometimes.
Boy: Yeah, but not her.
Friend: I don’t know what else to say, man.
Boy: Okay, well I gotta get to English. I’ll see ya after school.
Friend: Yeah I gotta get to Science. Later.
Girl: Hello?
Boy: Hey.
Girl: Oh, hey.
Boy: Why weren’t you at school today?
Girl: Uh, I had another appointment with the doctor.
Boy: Are you sick?
Girl: Um, I have to go. My mom’s calling on the other line.
Boy: I’ll wait.
Girl: It may take a while. I’ll call you later.
Boy: Alright. I love you.
-very long pause-
Girl: *with a tears in her eyes* Look, I think we should break up.
Boy: What?!
Girl: It’s the best thing for us right now.
Boy: Why?
Girl: I love you.
Boy: Hey dude.
Friend: Hey.
Boy: What’s up?
Friend: Nothing. Hey, have you talked to your ex lately?
Boy: No.
Friend: So you didn’t hear?
Boy: Hear what?
Friend: Um, I don’t know if I should be the one to tell you..
Boy: Dude, just tell me!
Friend: Uh. Call this number, 433-555-3468.
Boy: Okay, thanks!
Voice: Hello, Suppam County Hospital. This is Nurse Victoria.
Boy: Uh, I must have the wrong number. I’m looking for my friend.
Voice: What is their name, sir?
*boy gives info*
Voice: Yes, this is the right number. She’s one of our patients here.
Boy: Really? Why? What happened? How is she?
Voice: Her room number is 646 in building A, suite 3.
Voice: Please come by, sir, and you can see her. Goodbye.
Boy: WAIT! NO!
Boy: Oh my God, are you okay?
Girl: *silence*
Boy: Dear, talk to me!
Girl: I..
Boy: You what?
Girl: I have cancer and I’m on life support.
Boy: *breaks into tears*
Girl: They’re taking me off tonight.
Boy: Why?
Girl: I wanted to tell you, but I couldn’t .
Boy: Why didn’t you tell me?
Girl: I didn’t want to hurt you.
Boy: You could never hurt me.
Girl: I just wanted to see if you felt about me the same as I felt about you.
Boy: Huh?
Girl: I love you more than anything. I would give you the world in a heartbeat. I would die for you and take a bullet for you.
Boy: *crying*
Girl: Don’t be sad. I love you and I’ll always be there with you.
Boy: Then why did you break up with me?
Nurse: Young man, visiting hours are over.
The boy leaves and later that night the girl is taken off of life support and dies, but what the boy didn’t know is that the girl only asked him those questions so she could hear him say it one last time. She only broke up with him because she knew she only had 3 more weeks left to live and thought that it would cause him less pain and give him time to get over her before she died.
The boy is found dead with a gun in one hand and a note in the other.
“I told her that I would take a bullet for her, just like she said she would die for me.”

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Dude, you already got her. she's yours, so step up, man up, and treat her right or she won't be yours for long!

Friday, March 16, 2012

i'm not a perfect lover. i say what's on my mind. i start fights. i get jealous and sometimes i don't want to understand things to avoid pain. i'm demanding. i'm childish. i'm moody. but there are three things that i love about me. i'm faithful, sweet, and when i choose him, it is only him.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

asdfghjkl blablabla yayayaya im so fckin BADMOOD. badmood bgt. super klimaxxx badmoodnya. gue jg sebenernya gatau sih gara2 apa. emmh... mungkin karna many problems commere to me ha ha ha it's so damn as hell! inituh yaaa....random. otak gue random. MIXED ALL woi aaaaaaaaaa x_x oke jadi gini, hm there's 4 girls who very annoying. they're so annoying. hmm maybe they're want to be a barbie HAHAHAHAHHH guys pleaseeee barbie is a plastic doll with no BRAIN! i know barbie is cute & pretty but y'all must know that fake. y'all guys wanna be a barbie, ryt? oh-my-god....WHAT A CRAP U R GUYS?!??! 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Happy Birthday, Bul!♥

happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday happy birthday, happy Bul!

YEAAA akhirnya berhasil bikin surprise kecil2an yang ancur sih sebenernya hahaha i'll call this surprise as 'fail' surprise lol. btw awalnya sempet bingung sih mau ngasih apa sama dia. tapi setelah dipikir2, mending gue ngasih cake &&& y'all guys must know that....sebenernya uang gue jg gak cukup sih kalo beli kado he he he sorry hun :p

fail surprise gak lengkap & gak seru kalo gak dibantu sama ayu aldo anggita alvin edo jasmine hilman hihi thanks guys for support this surprise ayeaaay!!!!

jadi awalnya gini....
gue bohongin dia gtdeh hehe. gue nyuruh dia ke rumah gue abis pulang sekolah. trstrs dia gamau gitu yekan cause theres ma daddy in home. he's so super duper nervous if he meet ma dad hahahaha rotfl :p *ok back to story*, after that setiap ketemu gue pasti dia bilang "aku gak mau ah ke rumah kamu. di rumah aku aja kek. plis..." yea sebenernya itu cuma tipuan gue ajasih.... abisnya dia lucu kalo gue ngomong about ma dad pasti mukanya langsung gugup gitu h3h3h3. 
NAH! abis pulang sekolah gue ngajak dia ke kantin. alasannya sih gue bilang kl gue laper padahal sih biasa2 aja wk. tbtb pas di jalan arah kantin, gue bilang "yu minjem hp dong. mau tlp bunda" EAAAAA dia langsung panik gitu mukanya sambil bilang "km ngapainsih tlp bunda" hahahaha. gue bilang aja kl gue tlp karna bunda mau nganterin baju buat ke rmh nenek. then, dia percaya sama omongan GUWEEEEH. pas bgt gue baru mesen makanan, bunda tlp buat ngambil cakenya. gue sama ayu pura2 ke toilet & alasannya mau nganter gue pipis (jebakan ke2) ha-ha-ha :p anak2 yg ada di kantin udh pada tau rencana gue, so mereka ikut bantuin gue buat bikin surpise ini. awalnya gue udh ngerencanain ini dr sehari sblm dia ultah. akhirnya pas gue ngambil kue yg alasannya mau ke toilet HAAAAAHAHAAA mereka yg ada di kantin nutup mata dia. and and and.............TADAAAAAA!!!! gue dtg bawa cake itu sambil nyanyiin happy birthday sama anak2 yg lain. uwwwh sebenernya i can't hold my tears to fall, but gue hrs tetap nahan wkwk gilak loeeeh malu gue kl tbtb nangis gitu. then, kita ceplokin dia deh ayeaaah. THIS IS DA BEST DAY EVAAAAHH. i love you all. lotta love for u guys.

btwwww, maaf ya syg aku cuma bisa ngasih itu doang. aku gabisa ngasih apa2 lg. maaf jg aku cakenya cuma segitu & aku gabisa ngasih kado apa2. maaf yaaa. maaf bgt. :"""(

oiya!!!! hmm wishesnya.......
- semoga perutnya tambah embul mumumu :3
- sehat - sehat
- panjang umur
- lulus UN
- shalatnya tambah rajin ya sygggg
- nurut sama ur parents
- makin syg aku hihi


Sunday, March 4, 2012


1. how you always make me smile.
2. the way you can always make me laugh.
3. the sound of your sweet voice.
4. I love the way you hold my hand.
5. how silly we can be together.
6. how you can always be there for me.
7. how I can tell you anything.
8. how we can talk and chat for hours.
9. your silly jokes.
10. when you share your arms only with me.
11. how you can always make me feel comfortable.
12. your sweetness.
13. your eyes when you're staring at me.
14. the way you cheer me up whenever I'm down.
15. the way that you always care for me.
16. your cuteness.
17. you can always make me feel happy.
18. the way you can always understand me.
19. your smell.
20. your good morning and good night texts.
21. the way that you can always make time and be there for me whether in sadness or happiness.
22. the way you accept and love me for who I am.
23. the fact that you're mine.
24. the way you can always treat me special like a princess.
25. the way you can always make my mood back.
26. you never fail to make me smile and laugh.
27. our crazy conversation.
28. our fight time.
29. our sweet conversation.
30. is not enough, I love everything about you....

Thursday, March 1, 2012


I just wish that you could be mine forever.
I know that you're not even mine right now.
But I just can't let you go.
I just can't forget you as easy as turning my hands.
It's not easy. It's fucking hard
&&&.... I don't think that i can.

I love you.
I don't know why.
I just love you.
I never love anybody (other than parents and God) this much before.
I don't know why.
You're different.

I know you ever hurt me, idk you feel it or not, but you did.
I know I can't be with you.
But I always pray to God that you could be mine.

Everytime I miss you...
I love your smile.
I love your laugh.
I love your smell.
I love how you act when you're with me.
I love every little thing about you.

I don't want this to be more complicated.
I don't want you to lose the one that you love because of me.
I know you told me you love me.
And I have to do this because I love you. I really really do.
Like more than anybody could imagine.
Like more than anyone else in this world.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


cuma mau ngasih tau ke lo semua kalo hari ini akhirnya gue ketemu PUTI!!!! aaaa gatau mau ngomong apa lagi, yg jelas gue seneng banget. seneng klimaxxxxx. lega selega leganya udah cerita sama puti, ketawa2 bareng, flashback, & yg pasti......foto-foto muehehe. luph luph, put!

-sekian :p-

Friday, February 17, 2012

Puti Mahardiani♥

yak! y'all must know the girl who i called bestie never end. her name is PUTI. but i often called her MBA PUPUY :p gue sahabatan sama puti berawal dari sd. itu jg gak dari kls 1. kita mulai deket dari kls 5 gitu. sebenernya sih udh saling kenal dari kls 3an gitu tapi blm deket karna kita beda kls. naaaahh pas kls 6.......di kelas itulah all beauty & crazy memories of us. kita suka gila2an bareng, kemana2 berdua, pokoknya serba BERDUA. hmm FILM TWILIGHT! yap! itu film favorite gue sama puti. semua kata2 di film itu gue hafal bgt sama puti. dulu kita tergila-gila bgt sama twilight hahahaha sampe sekarang juga sih sebenernya :p lagu supermassive blackhole, itu jg lagu favorite gue sama puti. karna lagu itu soundtrack film twilight, kita jd suka  lagu itu deeeh huehehehehe. 

look at this pict! omg.... our hair bahaha lol. rambut puti masih pendek. apalagi gue, aneh gajelas bentuk apaan itu astaga -___-
itu foto pas kls 6. kalo gasalah itu di rumah shaila pas gue, puti, osti, sama shaila lagi latihan dance buat acara perpisahan sekolah. but but but..... dancenya GAGAL. padahal kita udh susah payah bikin gerakan tp akhirnya malah gagal kyk gitu x_x

oay back to story~
gue suka main di rumah puti sampe sore. rumah dia gak jauh dari sekolah. hmm cuma beberapa meter. & sampe akhirnya gue selalu dimarahin kl pulang ke rumahnya telat. dulu gue pernah pulang abis maghriban gitu grgr ujan deres gak berenti2. sampe2 gue pulang naik ojek. alhasil... pas sampe rumah gue basah semua. gatau knp gue suka aja main di rumah dia. mamanya deket bgt sama gue uhmm yea same like me, dia jg dkt bgt sama nyokap gue. pokoknya udh kyk keluarga sendiri deh.

but now, semenjak kls 8 sampe sekarang gue gapernah ketemu dia lagi. gak lost contact sih cuma gapernah ketemu aja AAAA I MISS U PUUUT :"""( wkt masih kls 7 kita masih sempet ketemu, masih sempet jalan bareng jg, tp skrg? omg i can't describe how i feel when i miss u a lot like this.
nginget dulu pas kita masih 1 sekolah aaa miss u bgt!!! tapi walaupun sekarang gue jauh dari lo, gapernah selalu ada buat lo, but i love u so much put. and u know what? i never ever forget u :"D cepet ketemu ya kitaaaa. mau cerita2 lagi, mau gila2an lagi, mau semuanya sama lo lagi. LAVYAAA!

much love, kisses, & big hug,
Alfi Sakinah