Saturday, March 24, 2012

Happy Half Year Anniversary, boo.

hmm i can't say anything. i just can say 'yea, i'm glad. very excited. and touched of this all.' i didn't think will be so far with him. so many wonderful memories that i did with him. jokes, laughter, sadness, touched, awkward, and even tense i went through with him.

well, i just wanna say....

"thanks for always understand me. thanks for always forgive me even it is not your fault. thanks for treat me right. thanks for accept me & love me for who i am. thanks for make a time and be there to whether in sadness or happiness. one more, thanks for everythiiiiiing baby.... i love you boo, i just can't explain it, i just can did. another day, another month, another year, another smile, another tear, another winter, even another summer too, but there can never be another YOU♥"

BOOM!!! i have some greating anniversary from my gud buddy yeaaa here is it...

big thanks for you guyzzz!!! thx a lot for your greeting anniversary aaaaaa i'm soooo glad WooHoo :""D

lots of love,

Alfi & Farhan

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