Sunday, March 4, 2012


1. how you always make me smile.
2. the way you can always make me laugh.
3. the sound of your sweet voice.
4. I love the way you hold my hand.
5. how silly we can be together.
6. how you can always be there for me.
7. how I can tell you anything.
8. how we can talk and chat for hours.
9. your silly jokes.
10. when you share your arms only with me.
11. how you can always make me feel comfortable.
12. your sweetness.
13. your eyes when you're staring at me.
14. the way you cheer me up whenever I'm down.
15. the way that you always care for me.
16. your cuteness.
17. you can always make me feel happy.
18. the way you can always understand me.
19. your smell.
20. your good morning and good night texts.
21. the way that you can always make time and be there for me whether in sadness or happiness.
22. the way you accept and love me for who I am.
23. the fact that you're mine.
24. the way you can always treat me special like a princess.
25. the way you can always make my mood back.
26. you never fail to make me smile and laugh.
27. our crazy conversation.
28. our fight time.
29. our sweet conversation.
30. is not enough, I love everything about you....

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