Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Best Valentine, Best Day, Best Everything.

hi! how r u y'all guyz? long time no posting. i miss u, xoxo.

Valentine's day, hmm the day where all girls in this world rlly wants chocolate, doll, flowers, or beauty things from her boyf... (kecuali gue hehehe-_-). sebenernya sih gue biasa2 aja sama yg namanya valentine's day. menurut gue itu biasa aja. berbagi kasih sayang kan gak cuma di hari itu aja, yegak? hahaha itusih menurut gue ya. gatau deh menurut cewek2 yg lain gimana

oke jadi gini....
kemaren itu pas bgt sama ultah yadika. nah guru2 ngadain lomba mading class. well, gue hrs bantuin anak2 kls gue buat bikin mading dooong. gatau knp tbtb farhan maksa bgt nyuruh gue berhenti bantuin bikin mading & hrs ikut dia.

*langsung aja dehyaaa. kl dari awal ceritanya panjang bgt he-he-he*

YAAAAAK! karna gue mls ngeliat lomba shuffle di bawah, akhirnya gue naik ke atas sama nandia & epha. gak lama dari itu, lombanya selesai. trs farhan narik gue ke luar ketemu sama reza. gue gatau mereka ngomong apa hmmm after that... gue, farhan, ayu, anggita, & reza di dlm kls. pertama gue bingung knp frhn nyuruh2 reza bawain tasnya ke dlm kls & knp hrs bawa2 reza?!? kinda weird rite? bzzzzt yea idk wuut happened with that x_x then, frhn & reza nyuruh gue buka kaca mata (yg ini gue tambah heran hahihuheho). stlh gue buka kacamata, mata gue di tutup sm frhn. mls bgt isssh. pas mata gue dibuka.... TADAAAAA!!!! i was speechless and thrilled like idk wuut i must to say. i've got pooh's & chocolate :"""") gabisa ngomong apa2. terharu bgt. mau nangis tp gbs. gue tahan aaaaaa.

nowww, i called this cutie doll as Bul! mihihi^^

i love bul so much. i love bul like i love who gave this doll.

ooooh yea satu lagi!!!! i've got the sweetest letter from him :")
the letter is....

"first time I saw you, I was scared to touch you. first time I touched you, I was scared to kiss you. first time I kissed you, I was scared to love you. but now that I love you, I'm scared to lose you! 24♥"

SO SWEET RITE???? mau nangis baca ini. terharu b-a-n-g-e-t. mungkin kalo gue nangis, air mata gue ngelebihin air laut kaliyaaa *okeinilebay*. pokoknya kemaren hari yg ter-the best banget lah aaaaa ({}) :")


lotta love,

Alfi Sakinah

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